MCQs On the Topic of Radio physics and Radiotherapy Practice Question :
1. In new generation image intensifiers, the input screen is made of _____ and the output screen is made of ___
A. Zinc cadmium sulfide, cesium iodide
B. Zinc cadmium sulfide, zinc cadmium sulfide
C. Cesium iodide, cesium iodide
D. Cesium iodide, zinc cadmium sulfide
2. Typical X-ray tube currents for an image intensifier system range from to mA.
A. 15
B. 50 100
C. 100 200
D. 200500
3. The primary barrier of an image intensifier fluoroscope is the _ .
A. Tabletop
B. Patient
C. Image intensifier input phosphor
D. Image intensifier tube housing
4. Film badges measure or can measure:
A. All external ionizing radiation
B. All internal and external ionizing radiation
C. External x, gamma and hard beta radiation
D. External alpha, beta, gamma and x radiation
5. Surface coils in MRI are used to:
A. Select the slice to be imaged
B. Produce and de~t RF signals
C. Prevent excess heating during scanning.
D. Improve the homogeneity of magnetic fields
6. Shim coils are used to:
A. Select the slice to be imaged
B. Produce and detect RF signals
C. Prevent excess heating during scanning
D. Improve the homogeneity of magnetic fields
7. Gradient coils are used to:
A. Select the slice to be imaged
B. Produce and detect RF signals
C. Prevent excess heating during scanning
D. Improve the homogeneity of magnetic fields
8. Super conducting magnets:
A. Use super conducting coils
B. Must be maintained at a low temperature
C. Have current flowing continuously with no electrical
D. Have/ do all of the above
9.The detector in CT unit that gives off a flash of light when
irradiated is:
A. Solid state
B. Gas filled
C. A scintillation
D. All of the above
10.The patient support table in CT:
A. Is made of low attenuating material
B. Moves the patient through the X-ray beam
C. Indexing must be accurate within 1 mm
D. Is/ does all of the above
11.The AEC detector in mammography is located:
A. In front of the cassette
B. Behind the cassette
C. Above the patient's breast
D. Can be placed any where
12. Mammography tubes have _anodes and _filters:
A. Tungsten; molybdenum
B. Molybdenum; molybdenum
C. Molybdenum; aluminum
D. Aluminum; molybdenum
13. X-ray filtration filters out:
A. Low energy electrons
B. High energy electrons
C. Low energy X-ray
D. High energy X-ray
14. An auto transformer function as an:
A. Line-voltage compensator
B. kV or ~ selector
C. Filament transformer
D. Automatic exposure controller
15. A transformer with more turns in its secondary winding than in its primary winding would be expected to:
A. Increase the voltage and decrease amperage
B. Increase the voltage and increase amperage
C. Decrease the voltage and decrease amperage
D. Decrease the voltage and increase amperage
16. Chiba needle is used to perform the procedure of:
17. Calcium tungstate, used in intensifying screens produces primarily __ light.
A. Ultraviolet
B. Blue
C. Green t
D. Yellow
18. Which is not associated with components of Linear accelerator:
A. Klystron
B. Waveguide
C. Circulator
D. Source capsule
19. F-18 is associated with:
C. Gamma Camera
D.- None of the above
20. Backing layer of an ultrasound transducer is usually made up of:
A. Mixture of aluminum and epoxy resin
B. Mixture of tungsten powder in epoxy resin
C. Rubber
D. All the above
21. Characteristic X-rays may be produced by the interaction of ____ and target material:
A. Proton
B. Electrons
C. Neutron
D. Nucleus
22. For the instant measurement of dose, the apparatus used is:
A. Film badge
C. Pocket dosimeter
D. None of these
23. The recommended led equivalent of lead apron is:
A. 0.5 mm
B. 1 mm
C. 2mm
D. 5mm
24. Additional aluminum filter are used in radiography, for:
A. Dose reduction
B. Sharpness
C. Resolution
D. None of these
25. Rectifiers used in X-ray circuit are placed:
A. Before HT transformer
B. After HT transformer
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
26. Lead filter of film badge is used for measurement of:
A. Alpha rays
B. Betarays
C. Gamma rays
D. X-ray
27. Filter used in mammography is made up of:
A. Lead
B. Aluminum
C. Copper
D. Molybdenum
28. Usually the Betatron used to accelerate the electrons:
A. 1-lOKV
B. 4-20MV
C. 1-100 Volt
D. 20-40MV
29. Stereotactic biopsy can be done with:
C. Gamma rays
D. X-ray equipment)
30. Lead goggles are used during the procedure:
B. Fluoroscopy
D. Radiography
31. The modern Radiation detector used in CT is:
A. Sodium iodide
B. Xenon
C. Ceramic based gadolinium compound.
D. ZnCdS
32. Exposure from internal uptake of radionuclide is monitored
A. Film badge
C. Pocket dosimeter
D. Bioassays
33. The radiological procedure performed with the help of laryngoscope is:
D. Laryngography
34. Characteristics X-ray may be produced by the interaction of __and target material.
A. Protons
B. Electrons
C. Neutrons
D. Heavy rains B
35. The largest single source of population radiation exposure from man made source is:
A. Nuclear power plant
B. Atomic bomb test product
C. Medical use of X-rays
D. Radio and television
36. The section of the digestive tract that is least sensitive to
A. Esophagus
B. Stomach
C. Lower intestine
D. Colon
37. The maximum whole body dose detectable by a routine blood court rem:
A. 0.5
C. 10
B. 2
D. 100
38. Calcium tungstate, used by intensifying screen produce primarily light:
A. Ultraviolet
C. Green
B. Blue
D. Yellow
39. Latest annual maximum whole body effective dose limit for radiation workers:
A. 20mSv
C. lOOmSv
B. S0rnSv
D. lmSv
40. To differential between muscle and fat use:
A. 100 kVp to take advantage age of both photoelectric effect
B. Medicine kVp to take advantage of both photoelectric and Crompton
C. High kVp to take advantage of compton effect
D. High kVp to ta\e advantage of Photo electric effect
41. A full CT scan of the skull delivery a dose to the mid time of approximately:
A. 03
B. 3
C. 3
D. 30
42. A 0.5 mm protective lead apron will afford approximately-times increase in protection as with 0.25 mm apron:
A. 0.25
B. 2
C. 0.5
D. 4
43. The minimum distance that an operator shall stand from a mobile X-ray unit during exposure is-fat:
A. lm
B. 2m •
C. 3m
D. 4m
44. CT number of a water is:
A. -100
B. -50
C. 0
D. 1000
45. The CT number of fat is:
A. -1000
B. -50
C. 0
D. 1000
46. The CT number of bone is:
A. -1000
B. -50
C. 0
D. 1000
47. Which of the fo1lowing is not a form of electromagnetic radiation:
A. Microwave
B. Ultrasound
C. Infrared
D. X-ray
48. The kVp range used for mammography:
A. 20to25kVp
B. 25 to 35 kVp
C. 35 to 40 kVp
D. 60 to 90 kVp
49. Compression of the breast during mammography:
A. Reduces patient motion
B. Reduces scatter
C. Reduces patient dose
D. Does all of the above
50. The thickness of a CT slice is controlled by the:
A. Target angle
B. Filament size .
C. Patient thickness
D. Adjustable collimators
51. Which of the following is most suitable radioisotope for treating hyperthyroidism:
A. 1231
C. 1271
B. 1251
D. 1311
52. Which of the following is used for external beam radiotherapy of cancer:
A. Radium - 226
B. Cobalt :.. 60
C. Strontium - 89
D. Iodine - 131
53. Which of the following has the maximum penetrating power?
A. Alpha particle
B. Beta particle
C. Gamma photon
D. Positron particle
54. Which of the following changes are recommended in X-ray
factors for increased contrast in heavy built patient:
A. Increased Ma
B. Increased kV
C. Increased exposure time
D, Increased developing time
55. Craniospinal irradiation treatment is advised in which of the following:
A. Juvenile astrocytoma
B. Oligodendroglioma •
C. Medulloblastoma
D. Hemangiosarcoma
56. Prophylactic craniospinal irradiation treatment is recommended for all of the following except:
A. Medulloblastoma
B. Hodgkin's disease
C. Acute lymphoid leukemia
D. Small cell carcinoma of lung
57. Which of the following is used in MRI to form images?
A. X-rays
B. Ultrasound waves
C. Magnetic field
D. Radionuclide agents
58. NMR is based on the resonance of which of the following particle?
A. Proton
B. Neutron
C. Electron
D. Positron
59. All of the following may be used for interstitial brachytherapy
A. . Cobalt- 60
B. Gold -198
C. Iridium -192
D. Cesium - 137
60. Acoustic. shadowing seen during US is due to which of the following mechanism?
A. Reflection
B. Refraction
C. Absorption
D. Adsorption
61. Technetium labeled RBC are used for evaluation of which of the following?
A. Hepatobiliary lesions
B. Splenic lesions
C. Pancreatic lesions
D. Pulmonary embolism
62. Which of the following is the most radiosensitive stage of cell cycle?
A. S
B. Gl
C. Early G2
D. LateG2
63. Basic mechanism utilized in killing the tumor cells in radiotherapy is:
A. Coagulation of proteins
B. DNA damage
C. Ionization
D. Necrosis
64. Highest field strength MR equipment available in the market for clinico diagnostic purposes is:
A. I.OT .
B. 1.5T
C. 3.0T
D. 5.0T
65. Which of the following ion scatters the X-rays most?
A. Hydrogen
B. Calcium
C. Lead
D. Aluminum C
66. Earliest skin manifestation of the radiation therapy:
A. Erythema
R. Dermatitis
C'. NPrrnsis
D. Hyperpigmentation
67. Gamma rays are harmful to the tissue because of their action:
A. Coagulation
B. Ionization
C. Linear acceleration
D. Magnetization
68. Which of the following is not true regarding lymphoma?
A. Lymphangiography is not useful for evaluation of nodes above
the L2 level
B. Gallium scanning is best for Hodgkin's than non-Hodgkin
C. Gallium scanning is not useful if the lesion is more than 4 cm
D. There is no significant benefit of lymphangiography over CT
69. Which of the following isotopes is used for RAIU:
A. 1123
B. 1125
C. 1131
D. 1132
70. Which of the following tumors is least radiosensitive ?
A. Ewing's Sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Wilm' s Tumor
D. Neuroblastoma
71. Following are the indications for post operative radiation therapy in a case of carcinoma endometrium except -
A. Myometrial invasion of more than half thickness
B. Positive lymph nodes
C. Endocervical involvement
D. Enlarged uterine cavity
72. 1 gray equals -
A. 100rads
C. 10000 rads
It is a unit of beam intensity or radiation dose.
B. 1000rads
D. 10rads
73. Which of the following is the most radiosensitive phase of cell cycle-
A. G2M
B. G2
C. S
D. Gl
74. Most radioresistant tumor among the following is -
A. Synovial sarcoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
D. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
75. The ½ life of 1131 is
A. 8Hours
B. 2Days
C. 5.2 Days
D. 8 Days
E. 12Days
76. The ½ life of Co60 is
A. 2.6 years ..
B. 5.2 years
C. 8 years
D. 3200 years
E. 60 years
77. Radioactive substance used for intracavitary irradiation in carcinoma cervix is
A. Co60
B. Cesium
C. Iridium
D. 1131
E. Strontium
78. Which of the following is not ioninsing
A. Beta irradiation
B. Alpha radiation
C. Gamma radiation
D. UV radiation
E. Neutron radiation
79. Substance which offer preferential radioprotection to tissue is/are
A. Cysteine-
B. Thiophosphate WR 2721
C. Metronidazole
D. A and b are correct
E. Only c is correct
80. The half life of 1-131
A. 4Hours
C. 6 Days
B. 4 Days
D. 8 Days
81. Radiation protection shields are made up of
A. Copper
B. Silver
C. Lead
D. Tin
82. The most radiosensitive tissue is
A. Brain
B. Bone marrow
C. Thyroid
D .. Liver
83. The least radio sensitive tissue is
A. Nervous tissue
B. Bone
C. Kidney
D. Thyroid
84. Radiation mediates its effects by-
A. Denaturation of DNA
B. Ionization of the molecules
C. Protein coagulation
D. Osmolysis of cells
85. Nowadays radium is not used in the Rx of cancer because
A. It decays faster and needs frequent replacement
B. It decays into daughter radon which isaa constant hazard
C. It is a very long half life
D. It is a very unstable element
86. First sign after radiation Rx is -
A. Erythema
B. Necrosis
C. Burns
D. Deep ulcer
87. The amount of radiation absorbed is measured by-
A. Rad
B. Gray
C. Rem
D. Curie
88. Least affected by radiation -
B. Gonads
C. Cartilage
D. Lymphocytes
89. Not used for Brachytherapy
A. Cobalt
C. Radon·
Radon is a very long half life.
B. Cesium
D. All
90. Used in.both teletherapy and brachytherapy
A. Cobalt
B. Radium
C. Iridium
D. Palladium
91. Prophylactic intracranial irradiations are given in -
A. Small cell Ca of lung
B. All
C. Lymphoma
D. Retinoblastoma
92. Mantle irradiation is used in -
A. Leukaemia
B. Hodgkin's disease
C. Chest secondaries from some cancers
D. Neuroblastoma
93. During radiotherapy the Buccal Mucosa exhibits radiation reaction before skiq, due to -
A. Rapid cellular tum-over in bone
B. Slow cellular turn -over in blood vessel
C. Rapid cellular tum-over in skin
D. Rapid cellular tum-over in mucosa
94. One gray of radiation is equal to
A. 1 Rad
C. 100 rad
B. 10Rad
D. 1000rad
95. Common isotopes used in interstitial and mould therapy are the
following except -
A. lridium192
B. Cobalt60
C. Caseium137 •
D. Gold198
E. Phosphorow,32
96. Hyperfractionation radiotherapy is used in the management of -
A. Lung cancer
B. Breast cancer
C. Seminoma
D. Ovarian cancer
97. Intraoperative radiotherapy is used for
A. Pancreatic Cancer
B. Ovarian Cancer
C. Thyroid Cancer
D. Seminoma
98. In permanent implantation which of the following is used -
A. Gold -198
B. Cesium
C. Cobalt
D. Iridium
99. Tc-half life is -
A. 2hours
C. 6Hours
B. 4Hours
D. 8Hours
100. Which of the following is a naturally occurring. radioactive substance in the body in small quantities
A. Radium 226
B. Bismuth 60
C. Iodine 131
D. Potassium 40
1-D, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C, 5-B, 6-D, 7-A, 8-D, 9-A, 10-D,11-B, 12-B, 13-C, 14-B, 15-A, 16-D, 17-B, 18-D, 13-C, 14- B, 15-A, 16-D, 17-B, 18-D,19-A, 20-B, 21-B, 22-C, 23-A, 24-A, 25-B, 26-C, 27-D, 28-D, 29-A, 30-B, 31-D, 32-D, 33-D, 34-B, 35-C, 36-B, 37-C, 38-B, 39-A, 40-A, 41-C, 42-A, 43-B, 44-C, 45-B, 46-D, 47-B, 48-B, 49-D, 50-D, 51-D, 52-B, 53-C, 54-A, 55-C, 56-B, 57-C 58-A 59-A, 60-A&C, 61-B, 62-D, 63-C, 64-C, 65-A, 66-A, 67-B, 68-B, 69-A, 70-B, 71-D, 72-A, 73-A, 74-C, 75-D, 76-B, 77-B, 78-D, 79-D, 80-D, 81-C, 82-B, 83-B, 84-A , 85-B, 86-A, 87-A&B, 88-C, 89-C, 90-A&C, 91-A, 92-B, 93-D, 94-C, 95-E, 96-A, 97-A, 98-A, 99-C, 100-D.